Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Easy Dill Pickles

2 quarts vinegar
1 quart water
3/4 cups sugar
1 bunch pickling cucumbers
1 jar mustard seed
1 jar dill weed
1 jar jalapenos
1 jar garlic

Bring 2 quarts vinegar, 1 quart water, and 3/4 cup salt to a boil. Also, boil your jar lids and rings while preparing the jars.

While waiting on the liquid to boil, slice cucumbers and add to jars. Also add mustard seed, dill weed, jalapenos, and garlic. There are no precise amounts, just however much you think you need to season the pickles. If you like hot pickles, add more jalapenos, etc.

After the solid ingredients are in the jars, you will add the boiling liquid. Fill to the rim and then seal with a hot lid and ring. The jars will “pop” and the pickles will be preserved until ready to eat. They are usually ready in about three weeks.

